

ImmiTranslate provides a REST API for the creation and management of human-powered translation services. Our API operates over HTTPS and utilizes standard HTTP response codes. Our responses are exclusively in JSON. Our API is designed to be consumed "server-side" only.

Currently, we only support Certified Translations via our API. Business Translations are not yet supported.

The examples provided are cURL commands that can be used to test functionality.


To test your API key, use this code:

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0"

Make sure to replace a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0 with your API key.

The above command returns 200 OK and JSON structured like this:

  "result": "success"

ImmiTranslate uses API keys to authenticate access. Once you have an account, head to the API settings page to generate or view your API keys.

All calls to the API require authentication with an API key.

Authorization: Bearer a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0


The production API endpoint is:

The sandbox API endpoint is:


ImmiTranslate provides a sandbox API for testing. For information on obtaining access to the Sandbox API, head over to the contact page and our team will get back to you.





Language Object

Field Type Description
code String ISO-639 Language Code
name String Language Name

List Languages

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0"

The structure of the List Languages response is below:

  "data": [
      "code": "al",
      "name": "Albanian"
      "code": "am",
      "name": "Amharic"
      "code": "ar",
      "name": "Arabic"

Retrieves a list of available languages for translation. The source language and target language must be provided when placing an order through the API.

Languages are periodically added, but it is most likely safe to cache the results from this API method.


File Object

Field Type Description
id String This is the file ID (sometimes referred to as a token) and is unique to each file. File operations are conducted using this as a primary key.
filename String The filename, as received, upon uploading.
size String The file size in bytes
sha256 String The SHA-256 hash of the file as uploaded.
size_label String A human readable file size label.
mimetype String The mimetype based on the file name or as provided upon upload.
url String A short-lived URL to download the related file. The default time limit is 15 minutes.
upload_source String A tag for the original uploading application, typically api
source_word_count Integer The number of words in the source file. For machine-readable formats (DOC, DOCX, TXT, etc..) this is almost always set. For non-machine readable (PDF, JPEG, etc..) this is most likely not set.
page_count Integer The number of pages within the file. For PDF, this is the number of pages in the PDF. For image files, this defaults to 1.
language_detection String A ISO-639 Language Code based on detection. If the language is known and can be provided, it will default to the provided value.
pdf_title String For PDFs only: The title according to metadata
pdf_creator String For PDFs only: The creator according to metadata
pdf_last_modified String For PDFs only: The last modification date according to metadata
source_metadata Object Source Metadata Object
integrations Array If the file was uploaded with a native integration, additional metadata related to that integration is provided here.
created_at DateTime The timestamp for the file creation
updated_at DateTime The timestamp for the file update, typically refers to the last time metadata was changed.

Upload File


An example metadata value is provided:

  "document_type": "birth_certificate",
  "subjects": [
      "name": "Test Persson",
      "name_native": "Test Pärsson",
      "dob": "1985-03-01"
  "locations": [
      "city": "Stockholm",
      "notes": "Location of birth"
  "country_of_origin": "SE",
  "issuing_authority": "Skatteverket",
  "issued_day": 8,
  "issued_month": 4,
  "issued_year": 1985,
  "is_government_issued": true,
  "is_academic_issued": false,
  "ocr" : [
      "contents": "...",
      "format": "text",
      "engine": "tesseract",
      "model": "tesseract5"
  "machine_translations": [
      "source_language": "es",
      "target_language": "en",
      "translation": "...",
      "source": "...",
      "engine": "openai",
      "model": "gpt-4o"

The Upload File Response:

    "data": {
        "id": "file...",
        "filename": "immitranslate-api-test-file-standard.pdf",
        "size": 157231,
        "sha256": "6815eeab802020c22288664ad0ff64870ac9e3eb56fd5b098d6fe558a4c39ed1",
        "mimetype": "application/pdf",
        "url": "https://...",
        "created_at": "2022-02-26T20:01:49+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2022-02-26T20:01:49+00:00",
        "upload_source": "api",
        "source_word_count": null,
        "page_count": 1,
        "language_detection": null,
        "source_metadata": {
            "subjects": [
                    "dob": "1985-03-01",
                    "name": "Test Persson",
                    "name_native": "Test Pärsson"
            "locations": [
                    "city": "Stockholm",
                    "notes": "Location of birth"
            "issued_day": 8,
            "issued_year": 1985,
            "issued_month": 4,
            "document_type": "birth_certificate",
            "country_of_origin": "SE",
            "issuing_authority": "Skatteverket",
            "is_academic_issued": false,
            "other_document_type": null,
            "is_government_issued": true
        "pdf_title": "Scan_2022-02-17T153135",
        "pdf_creator": "Smart Touch 1.9",
        "pdf_last_modified": "2022-02-17T20:32:54+00:00",
        "integrations": []

The Upload File request consists of a form data request with the Content-Type: multipart/form-data header set and a file contained in the variable file. We highly recommend providing as much metadata about the file as possible, enabling our translation team to rapidly prepare documents. We also strongly recommend documents to be separated logically by file. For example, a birth certificate should not be provided in the same file as a marriage license.

Request Parameters

Field Type Required Description
file File Yes multipart/form-data File
metadata JSON String No A JSON string containing relevent metadata for this document.

Permitted File Types

Metadata Object

Field Type Required Description
document_type String No See available Document Types
subjects Array No See Subject Object below An array of valid document subjects. For example, if this is a birth certificate, the subject of the document would be the person whom is listed on the certificate. For a marriage certificate, there are multiple subjects. As many or as few subjects can be provided.
locations Array No See Location Object below An array of valid locations referenced in the document. For example, if this is a birth certificate, the location of birth may have specific spelling requirements.
country_of_origin String No ISO-3166 Country Code for where the document was issued.
issuing_authority String No The government agency, institution, or organization that issued the document.
issued_day Integer No The day of the month in which the document was issued.
issued_month Integer No The month in which the document was issued.
issued_year Integer No The year in which the document was issued.
is_government_issued Boolean No Whether this document was issued by a government.
is_academic_issued Boolean No Whether this document was issued by an academic institution.
ocr Array No An array of OCR Objects. An object that contains text that has been previously run through any series of OCR systems.
machine_translations Array No An array of Machine Translation Objects. An object that contains an existing machine or AI translation.

OCR Object

If you are running OCR on documents in any other capacity, this data can be provided to improve accuracy and decrease turnaround times.

Field Type Required Description
contents String Yes The full text produced by the OCR system.
format String No The format of the text contents. By default, plaintext is assumed. Acceptable values: text, markdown, hocr, html
engine String No Optional OCR engine used. This is used for tracking and analytics and does not change the ingestion of data. Typical values may include: openai, tesseract, abbyy
model String No Optional model used. This is used for tracking and analytics and does not change the ingestion of data.

Machine Translation Object

If you are using a system that offers AI or machine translations of documents, this is a way to improve the accuracy and decrease the turnaround time of our certified translations.

Field Type Required Description
source_language String Yes ISO-639 language code denoting the source language used in translation.
target_language String Yes ISO-639 language code denoting the target language used in translation.
translation String Yes The complete translation text, acceptable in either markdown or plaintext.
source String Yes The complete source text, acceptable in either markdown or plaintext.
engine String No Optional AI engine used. This is used for tracking and analytics and does not change the ingestion of data. Typical values may include: openai, claude, llama, deepl
model String No Optional AI model used. This is used for tracking and analytics and does not change the ingestion of data. Typical values may include: gpt-4o, gpt-3.5-turbo, deepl

Subject Object

Field Type Required Description
name String No The full name of the subject of the document.
name_native String No Optional full name of the subject in the alphabet of their native language. The name field is what would be used for transliteration.
dob String No Date of birth of the subject in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Location Object

Field Type Required Description
address String No The preferred spelling of the address of the reference location, if any.
city String No The preferred spelling of the city of the referenced location, if any.
region String No The preferred spelling of the region of the referenced location, if any.
notes String No Reference notes provided to the translation team to assist with the proper spelling of this location.

Document Types

Key Document Type Description
adoption_document Adoption Document Any document related to adoption proceedings, but not a document included elsewhere in the list.
affidavit Affidavit A signed declaration document.
apostille Apostille An apostille certificate issued by a member nation of the Hague Treaty.
asylum_document Asylum Document Any document related to an asylum matter, but not a document included elsewhere in the list.
background_check Background Check Any background check document, such as an FBI Background Check document.
bank_statement Bank Statement A financial statement issued by a bank. Note that this should be differentiated with a credit_card_statement if at all possible. If the type is not known, but it is confirmed as a financial document, use the financial_document value.
credit_card_statement Credit Card Statement A financial statement issued by a credit card company. Note that this should be differentiated with a bank_statement if at all possible. If the type is not known, but it is confirmed as a financial document, use the financial_document value.
financial_statement Financial Statement Any financial document issued by a financial institution.
birth_certificate Birth Certificate A document used to establish birth credentials, such as name and date of birth.
change_of_name Change of Name A document used to establish a change-of-name.
criminal_record Criminal Record A document establishing a criminal record. This can often overlap with background_check. We recommend using background_check when the document establishes no criminal record, and criminal_record when the document lists criminal records.
academic_transcript Academic Transcript Any academic transcript, commonly showing courses, grades, and other remarks.
court_transcript Court Transcript Any court transcript, typically in a format showing speaker and text.
audio_transcript Audio Transcript Any audio transcription, typically displaying speaker, timestamp, and text.
death_certificate Death Certificate Any document related to a death.
diploma Diploma Any academic diploma, displaying a name and academic institution.
divorce_document Divorce Document Any divorce document not otherwise specified. Use this value to show proceeding-related documents. Use divorce_decree to specify a decree or final judgement.
divorce_decree Divorce Decree Any divorce document that shows final judgement.
drivers_license Driver's License Any government issued driver's license. This is differentiated from an id_card when the document lists specific driving abilities and classifications.
id_card ID Card Any government issued identification card. Use drivers_license when the ID includes associated capabilities and classifications.
email Email Message Any email message
legal_contract Legal Contract Any legal contract or binding legal instrument.
marriage_certificate Marriage Certificate Any certificate showing a record of marriage.
marriage_license Marriage License Any marriage license. Typically issued prior to a marriage and not necessarily establishing a record of marriage.
medical_record Medical Record Any medical record. Use this field for COVID-19 Test Results. For vaccination records, use vaccination_record.
mortgage_document Mortgage Document Any document related to a mortgage. For things such as rentals or leases, use legal_contract.
passport Passport Any passport and subsequent pages. For US Visas (with our without MRZ), use visa
cv CV Any Curriculum vitae (or resume)
tax_record Tax Record Any tax record, such as a tax return or tax receipt.
text_message Text Message Any text message, such as SMS, WhatsApp, or Messenger.
vaccination_record Vaccination Record Any vaccination record or vaccination card. Includes COVID-19 vaccination records.
visa Visa Any visa document or other travel document
other Other Use this if you would like to provide a custom value. Custom values are provided in the other_document_type field.


Quote Object

Field Type Description
token String A unique identifier for the specific quote, typically in the format quote_a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8. This is the ID used throughout operations on this quote object.
number String A human-centric unique identifier for all quotes, typically in the format 1234567-89
source_language String Source Language (ISO-639 Language Code)
target_language Array Target Language (ISO-639 Language Code)
services Object Specifies the relevant services and certain configuration related to them
translation_type String Either certified or business - This API currently only supports certified translation quotes
certification String Either certified or notarized. A notarized translation includes a standard certification that is also stamp and notarized by a notary public.
delivery String Either digital or physical. A physical copy incurs an additional charge. A printed hard copy is sent to the recipient if this option is selected.
turnaround String Either standard

Create Quote


The structure of the Create Quote response is below:

  "reference": "TL-1138",
  "case_reference": "AA00039212",
  "client_reference": "CL-0001",
  "services": {
    "translation": true,
    "translation_options": {
      "source_language": "es",
      "target_language": ["en"],
      "translation_type": "certified",
      "certification": "certified",
      "delivery": "digital",
      "turnaround": "standard",
      "deadline": null,
      "notes_names_places": "Example name",
      "notes": "Example notes"
    "credential_evaluation": true,
    "credential_evaluation_options": {
      "evaluation_type": "course_by_course_evaluation",
      "source_country": "MX",
      "subject_name": "Test Persson",
      "subject_dob": "1990-01-15",
      "institution_name": "Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City",
      "target_country": "US",
      "target_organization": "uscis",
      "purpose": "immigration",
      "delivery": "physical",
      "turnaround": "standard",
      "deadline": null,
      "notes": "Example notes"
    "currency_conversion": true,
    "currency_conversion_options": {
      "target_currency": "usd",
      "source_currency": "eur",
      "conversion_date": "2020-04-01"
    "shipping": true,
    "shipping_options": {
      "shipping_service": "delivery_fedex_2day",
      "address": {
        "recipient": "Test Persson",
        "line1": "601 13TH ST NW",
        "line2": "STE 900S",
        "city": "WASHINGTON",
        "region": "DC",
        "postal_code": "20005",
        "country": "US"
  "use_cases": [
      "use_case": "immigration",
      "country": "US"
  "notes": "Additional comments can be provided here!",
  "deadline": "2022-03-04 15:00:00"

The Create Quote request is the primary method of creating new orders.

Request Parameters

Field Type Required Description
reference String No Custom reference provided during the quote process and copied into subsequent orders.
client_reference String No Custom reference to identify the client, provided during the quote process and copied into subsequent orders.
case_reference String No Custom reference to identify the case/matter, provided during the quote process and copied into subsequent orders.
services Object Yes Services Object - Specifies the relevant services and certain related configuration items.
use_cases Array No Array of Use Case Objects - Specifies information about the intended use of the translation and other services.
deadline DateTime No In YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, the intended deadline. This information will be taken into consideration for pricing. If the service classification is expedited or faster, we intend on completing the services as close to the deadline as possible.
notes String No General notes for our team to consider when providing a quote for the services.

Pay Quote

POST{token}/pay \
  -H "Authorization: a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0"

An example Pay Quote request is provided below.

  "payment_method": "payment_method_a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j"

An example response to the Pay Quote Request is provided below.

  "result": "success",
  "data": {
    "order": {
      "token": "order_a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0"

After receiving the Quote Ready event, a quote is ready for payment. This method triggers the creation of a new Order.

Pay Quote Request

Field Type Required Description
payment_method String Yes This is the token representing the preferred payment method for this particular quote. To retrieve valid payment methods, consult the Accounts section.

Cancel Quote

DELETE{token} \
  -H "Authorization: a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0"

The Cancel Quote request is not required, as quotes do expire, however it can assist our team with tracking sales outcomes.

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Default Description
reason false null Either price_too_high, turnaround_unacceptable, no_longer_required, client_declined, wrong_services, wrong_files, resubmitting_later

Services Object

Field Type Required Description
translation Boolean No Specifies whether the translation service is requested. If true, the Translation Options object should be provided in the services object.
credential_evaluation Boolean No Specifies whether to include a credential evaluation in this quote. If true, the Credential Evaluation Options object should be provided in the services object.
expert_opinion_letter Boolean No Specifies whether to include an expert opinion letter in this quote. If true, the Expert Opinion Letter Options object should be provided in the services object.
currency_conversion Boolean No Specifies whether to include a currency conversion in this quote. If true, the Currency Conversion Options object should be provided.
apostille Boolean No Specifies whether to include an apostille of the translation. If true, the Apostille Options object should be provided in the services object.
shipping Boolean No If any delivery type is set to physical, this value should be set to true and the Shipping Options object should be provided in the services object.

Translation Options

Field Type Required Description
source_language String Yes Source Language (ISO-639 Language Code)
target_language Array Yes Array of Target Languages (ISO-639 Language Code)
translation_type String Yes Either certified or business. Defaults to certified. This API currently only supports certified translation quotes
certification String No Either certified or notarized. Defaults to certified. A notarized translation includes a standard certification that is also stamp and notarized by a notary public.
delivery String No Either digital or physical. Defaults to digital. A physical copy incurs an additional charge. A printed hard copy is sent to the recipient if this option is selected.
turnaround String No Either standard or expedited. Defaults to standard
deadline DateTime No Optional deadline information provided in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
notes_names_places String No The preferred spelling of names, dates, and locations to take into consideration.
notes String No Additional notes for the translators to take into consideration. A secondary reference PDF can be provided in the files section.

Credential Evaluation Options

Field Type Required Description
evaluation_type String No Either diploma_evaluation or course_by_course_evaluation
source_country String No ISO-3166 Country Code of the country where the credential was issued.
subject_name String Yes The name of the subject of the credential evaluation.
subject_dob Date Yes The date of birth of the subject in YYYY-MM-DD format.
institution_name String Yes The name of the institution that issued the credential.
target_country String Yes ISO-3166 Country Code of the country where the credential will be used. Currently only valid for US usage.
target_organization String No The name of the organization where this credential will be used. For example, uscis for immigration purposes.
purpose String Yes The intended purpose of the credential evaluation. Either licensing, education, employment, or immigration
delivery String No Either digital or physical. Defaults to digital. A physical copy incurs an additional charge. A printed hard copy is sent to the recipient if this option is selected.
turnaround String No Either standard, expedited, or same_day. Defaults to standard
deadline DateTime No Optional deadline information provided in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
notes String No Additional notes for the evaluator to take into consideration. A secondary reference PDF can be provided in the files section.

Expert Opinion Letter Options

Field Type Required Description
visa_type String Yes The intended visa type for the subject of the EOL
subject_name String Yes The name of the subject of the credential evaluation.
subject_dob Date Yes The date of birth of the subject in YYYY-MM-DD format.
delivery String No Either digital or physical. Defaults to digital. A physical copy incurs an additional charge. A printed hard copy is sent to the recipient if this option is selected.
turnaround String No Either standard, expedited, or same_day. Defaults to standard
deadline DateTime No Optional deadline information provided in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
notes String No Additional notes for the expert to take into consideration. A secondary reference PDF can be provided in the files section.

Currency Conversion Options

Field Type Required Description
target_currency String Yes ISO-4217 Currency Code that the currency should be converted to.
source_currency String No ISO-4217 Currency Code of the currency that the document currently contains.
conversion_date Date No The date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, that the conversion rate should be derived from. If this value is not provided, the conversion will commence from the date the document was originally issued. For example, if a financial statement for March of 2020 was issued on April 1, 2020, the currency conversion rate would be derived from the exchange rate of the currency pair on April 1, 2020.

Apostille Options

Field Type Required Description
target_country String Yes ISO-3166 Country Code of the country where the apostille will be used. The country must be a signatory to the Hague Convention
authorizing_state String No Currently, MD is the only option. In the future, other supported states will be added.
turnaround String No Either standard or expedited. Defaults to standard. Same-day
deadline DateTime No Optional deadline information provided in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
notes String No Additional notes for our couriers to take into consideration. A secondary reference PDF can be provided in the files section.

Notarization Options

Field Type Required Description
notarization_state String No Currently, MD is the only option. In the future, we plan to add additional states (TX, VA, and FL).
turnaround String No Either standard or expedited. Defaults to standard. Same-day
deadline DateTime No Optional deadline information provided in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
notes String No Additional notes for the translators to take into consideration. A secondary reference PDF can be provided in the files section.

Shipping Options

Field Type Required Description
shipping_service String Yes A complete list of available shipping options and respective carriers is available in the Shipping Service Options.
address Object Yes The address that the documents should be delivered to, provided as a Shipping Address Options object.

Shipping Service Options

Code Name Carrier Delivery Timeframe Notes
delivery_fedex_2day FedEx 2-Day® FedEx 2 Business Days Recommended US Option; US Only; Saturday Delivery Included
delivery_fedex_priority_overnight FedEx Priority Overnight® FedEx 1 Business Day US Only; 10:30 AM delivery to most addresses
delivery_fedex_standard_overnight FedEx Standard Overnight® FedEx 1 Business Day US Only; 4:30 PM delivery to businesses; 8:00 PM delivery to residences
delivery_dhl_express_envelope DHL Express Worldwide Envelope DHL Varies Recommended Intl Option. 2-4 Day Delivery to North America, Europe; 4-8 Day Delivery to Asia;
delivery_usps_priority_domestic USPS Priority Mail® Domestic USPS 2-3 Business Days US Only; Saturday Delivery Included
delivery_usps_priority_domestic USPS Priority Mail® International USPS 2-4 Weeks International Option
delivery_usps_express_domestic USPS Priority Mail Express® Domestic USPS 1-2 Business Days US Only; Saturday Delivery Included
delivery_usps_express_international USPS Priority Mail Express® International USPS 1-3 Weeks International Option

Shipping Address Options

Field Type Required Description
recipient String Yes The name of the recipient
phone_number String No A valid phone number in E.164 format for the recipient. This is optional for domestic (US) shipping, but is required for international shipping.
line1 String Yes Street address
line2 String No Suite, apartment number, etc..
city String Yes City
region String Yes State, province, or region. If the country is US, a 2 digit State abbreviation should be provided. If the country is CA, a 2 digit Province abbreviation should be provided. Other countries can use full names in the region field.
postal_code String Yes ZIP or Postal code. If the country is US, a 5 digit ZIP code should be provided.
country String Yes ISO-3166 Country Code of the target country.

Use Cases Object

Field Type Required Description
use_case String Yes Either immigration,travel,legal,academic,financial,medical,dmv,business,other
country String No ISO-3166 Country Code for the related use-case
agency String No For immigration, this would be uscis in the US. Other agency names can be provided as well.
date DateTime No YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. For travel, this would be the arrival date. Relevant dates can be provided as necessary.
court String No For legal, this would be the court the translation or other documents will be submitted.
school String No For education, this would be the school or academic institution where the documents will be submitted.
region String No For dmv, we may adjust pricing to comply with certain state DMV restrictions. For other use cases, this is the relevant region where the documents will be submitted.


List Orders

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0"

The structure of the List Orders response is below:

  "data": [
      "url": "",
      "token": "order_a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0",
      "number": "123456-123456",
      "status": "created",
      "total": 2500,
      "app": null,
      "certification": "certified",
      "translation_type": "certified",
      "delivery": "digital",
      "turnaround": "standard",
      "source_language": "en",
      "target_language": [
      "reference": null,
      "client_reference": null,
      "case_reference": null,
      "created_at": "2022-01-01T00:45:09+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-01-01T04:37:17+00:00",
      "intake_processed_at": null,
      "translator_assigned_at": null,
      "translator_accepted_at": null,
      "translator_completed_at": null,
      "proofreader_completed_at": null,
      "all_translations_approved_at": null,
      "notarized_at": null,
      "shipped_at": null,
      "completed_at": null
  "links": {
    "first": "",
    "last": "",
    "prev": null,
    "next": null
  "meta": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "from": 1,
    "last_page": 1,
    "path": "",
    "per_page": 50,
    "to": 1,
    "total": 1

Retrieves a paginated list (default 50) of orders associated with the provided account, sorted in descending order by created_at.

The Order objects included in this response are reference objects, meaning they do not contain all the possible properties of the order, but rather a glimpse.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Default Description
filter[status] false null If set to a valid Order status, returns only the most recent orders with the provided status.

Retrieve an Order

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0"

The structure of the List Orders request is below:

  "data": [
      "url": "",
      "token": "order_a1s2d3f4q5w6e7r8t9y0",
      "number": "123456-123456",
      "status": "created",
      "total": 2500,
      "app": null,
      "certification": "certified",
      "translation_type": "certified",
      "delivery": "digital",
      "turnaround": "standard",
      "source_language": "en",
      "target_language": [
      "reference": null,
      "client_reference": null,
      "case_reference": null,
      "created_at": "2022-01-01T00:45:09+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-01-01T04:37:17+00:00",
      "intake_processed_at": null,
      "translator_assigned_at": null,
      "translator_accepted_at": null,
      "translator_completed_at": null,
      "proofreader_completed_at": null,
      "all_translations_approved_at": null,
      "notarized_at": null,
      "shipped_at": null,
      "completed_at": null
  "links": {
    "first": "",
    "last": "",
    "prev": null,
    "next": null
  "meta": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "from": 1,
    "last_page": 1,
    "path": "",
    "per_page": 50,
    "to": 1,
    "total": 1

Retrieves a paginated list (default 50) of orders associated with the provided account, sorted in descending order by created_at.

The Order objects included in this response are reference objects, meaning they do not contain all the possible properties of the order, but rather a glimpse.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Default Description
filter[status] false null If set to a valid Order status, returns only the most recent orders with the provided status.


The ImmiTranslate API uses the following standard HTTP error codes.

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key was not provided or is invalid.
403 Forbidden -- You do not have access to the specified resource.
404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a resource with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't JSON.
422 Validation Failed -- The parameters you specified were not valid.
429 Too Many Requests -- The API key has submitted too many requests in a short period of time.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.