Major U.S. Immigration Policy Changes Expected
If you are planning to petition for immigration benefits in the U.S. after January 20, 2025, expect delays.
Powered by professional human translators, backed by artificial intelligence.
Trusted by over 50K Clients
Our goal is to make the translation process as simple as possible for you. Our service is streamlined specifically for documents of this nature.
Through our diverse global network of translators, we're able to support translations in over 70+ languages, including all European Union languages.
Certified and standard translation services are performed by the same professional translators, but the style of translation and deliverables vary between the services.
Feature | Starter plan | Scale plan | Growth plan |
Translation Style
Whether this translation is considered certified or can be interpretive.
Literal (word-for-word) | Interpretive (conveys meeting) | |
Delivery Format
Certified translations cannot be directly edited and are delivered as a certified PDF.
Varies (DOCX, HTML) | ||
Professional Translator
All of our translations are completed and reviewed by professional human translators.
Yes | Yes | |
Translation Revisions
Revisions are available at no additional charge for all translations.
Yes | Yes | |
Document Formatting
For certified translations, we match the formatting to the source document to ensure clarity.
Yes | Optional | |
Signed & Stamped Certification
All certified translations include a Statement of Translation Accuracy which includes the name, signature, and contact information for the translator and our company.
Yes | — |
Expedited Turnaround
Your order will be prioritized for digital delivery. Fastest options start at 2-4 hour turnaround.
Yes | Yes |
Translation Notarization
The translation certification will be notarized. Valid in all 50 States.
Yes | — |
Physical Copy
Original translation with wet-ink signature delivered via overnight courier.
Yes | — |
Translation Apostille
The signature and seal will be authenticated and an apostille will be attached to the translation for use globally.
Yes | — |
Our services, backed by our expert translators and support staff, can help alleviate the complexity surrounding translations of documents for legal purposes.
We work around the clock to prepare, translate, review, and ship documents. Most translations can be completed in just a few hours.
Our translations are accepted by USCIS, US Department of State, and thousands of other local and regional governments and agencies.
Starting at just $25 per page, our simple pricing allows you to avoid confusing charts and rates and stick to the basics.
Our team consists of thousands of native speakers. Your translation is always 100% human powered by a certified professional translator.
We employ state of the art encryption on your original documents and every translation we produce.
Translations can be downloaded securely once complete. We can also notarize and mail translations.
Our global network of professional translators allows us to translate virtually any document in any of the 70+ languages that we support. We'll pair a professional translator to the type of document that requires translation.
Hear why we're the #1 rated certified translation provider