USCIS Translation Approval Guarantee

At ImmiTranslate, we understand the critical importance of accurate and compliant document translation for immigration processes. Thats why we offer a 100% Acceptance Guarantee.

Photo of Ian Hawes Geschrieben von Ian Hawes
Veröffentlicht am September 6, 2023
8 Minuten Lesezeit
  1. Names

    Are all the names on the document translated correctly? Example: Family names may have specific translations

  2. Locations

    Are all the locations on the document translated correctly? Example: Towns, regions, and other localities may have different translations.

  3. Dates

    Are all the dates on the document correct? Example: An incorrect date of birth on the translation can result in a denied application.

  4. Same Document

    Is this the same document? Example: When you're handling multiple birth certificate translations, it can be easy to get confused. Always label your translation with the name of the document.

  5. Certification

    Is there a certification? Example: With certified translations, a certification page is always required.

Alle Leitfäden

Bereit, einzutauchen? Unser Übersetzungsteam steht Ihnen rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung, um Ihnen bei Dokumenten zu helfen, Angebote zu erstellen und Übersetzungen vorzubereiten.