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2023 Update

ECFMG Translation Requirements

A comprehensive guide on ECFMG Translation Requirements. Learn about the specific translation prerequisites for foreign medical graduates seeking U.S. licensure.

Photo of Ian Hawes Geschrieben von Ian Hawes
Veröffentlicht am September 1, 2023
12 Minuten Lesezeit
  • The translation must be a word-for-word translation of the source document. An abstract or summary translation will not be acceptable.

  • The translation must be prepared from the original document or a photocopy of the original document. A translation from a transcribed version of the document will not be acceptable.

  • The translation must be prepared by either a government official (such as a Consular Officer), medical school official (such as a Dean or Registrar), or a professional translation service.

  • The translation must include a statement from the government or medical school official or representative of the professional translation service certifying that the translation is true and accurate. As of 2020, the ECFMG recommended statement is: "I [Name] certify that the word-for-word translation is correct"

  • The translation must include the signature and title of either the government or medical school official or the representative of the translation service. If available, a seal from the government official, medical school, or translation service should also be included.

  • The translation must appear on letterhead, and if the letterhead is from a professional translation service, must identify the company as a professional translation services company.

  • The translation may not be completed by the applicant.

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